The Power of Belief
When I started my business, my wife and kids were binge-watching the hit series Ted Lasso, about an inspirational American football coach who takes a job as coach of an English football (soccer) club. In the show (not a spoiler!), Ted hangs a simple, handmade sign above the doorway of the locker room that says “BELIEVE”. The sign and the idea seemed so apropos for what I was embarking on that my family got me a miniature version of the sign and hung it over the doorway that leads to my office. I see it every morning before I begin my day.
Being an entrepreneur requires incredible belief. Belief that is tested every day, sometimes to your very core. You need to believe in yourself, in your ability and capability. You need to believe that what you’re going to invest your time, money and energy in is both worthwhile and able to provide an acceptable return on that investment. And mostly, you need to believe that what you are dreaming of not only can happen, but will.
But is self-belief enough to be successful, or is it just being Pollyanna?
I DO think belief is enough, and here’s why: belief begets confidence, and confidence is tangible to others. If you truly believe in yourself, others will believe in you, and that will lead to success. Think about your own career: the most successful leaders were the ones so confident in themselves and their vision they inspired others to follow. The most successful entrepreneurs are supremely confident - sometimes even when an outsider might question whether they have reason to be. They’re not necessarily smarter and they don’t necessarily work harder than other entrepreneurs. But people are drawn to them because confidence is a magnet. When you believe you are the best person to do the job, others will believe you too.
But do people with a high sense of self-belief ever doubt themselves? Of course! It’s when that confidence breaks down - when that belief is questioned and doubt creeps in - that unsuccessful entrepreneurs allow it to consume them. In contrast, successful entrepreneurs use periods of doubt as fuel that drives them forward. How? By motivating them to continue to learn and grow and improve; by never allowing them to be satisfied.
What do you do to get your mojo back? Find the helpers. You know who they are. They’re the folks who know and believe in you and offer support unconditionally. Their positive feedback is sometimes enough to remind you of why you started your business in the first place, but they can also remind you how capable you truly are. For me, it’s my former co-workers. I KNOW I’m really good at building brands because I have performed at a high level for a long time and received accolades and advancement for my work from clients and bosses and peers. They are also a good at reminding me of the lengths I’ve gone to to create truly exceptional work. Often, those simple reminders are enough to recharge the batteries. Of course, having a little sign to hang above your door that reminds you every day to “BELIEVE” is nice too.